Saturday, May 16, 2009

Back in Black

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
And this was the genesis of the age-old dichotomy between light and dark or white and black. As humankind has always been obsequious to the will of God it has always taken the stand of God. This dichotomy has been the cornerstone of all the philosophies and symbolisms of the world. White is pure, truth, peace, clean and humble. And black has been denigrated as evil, death, fear and anarchy.
My black has always been pure. It has its own existence and self, unpolluted by others, unlike white which has a second-hand existence living within others. It is independent, devoid of the impressions and stains left by others.
My black is sophisticated. It is stunning in an evening gown studded with glittering diamonds or stylish in a tuxedo for a black tie occasion. It is sexy and seductive accentuating the voluptuousness of the lady of my lonely nights. It is mysterious as the solitary nights lighted by just the twinkling stars.
It smacks of rebellion and youth. It defies convention in my black t-shirts portraying Che and a myriad rock bands. It shocks in the angry beats of my favorite black metal bands. It is the clothing adopted by the punk subculture. It is the symbol of protest against tyranny and dominion. It is success and intellect reminding the day of black robes and caps to be thrown in jubilation and trepidation of crossing the threshold of an old life and stepping into a new, unknown one.
It is as paradoxical as me. It is conventional and sober as the judges on lofty seats of justice. It is somber as the tolling of a bell, the hearse and the casket in which the put or remains until you have crumbled to dust and passed away from living memory.
It has been synonymous with this phase of my life. It has made the grays of my life a little more tolerable by offering a fair contrast. It has put my life in perspective making me composed in the days of the darkest gloom and prevented me from getting inebriated in the little flickers of success I have had. Black is the color of my life.


Illeen said...

I second thee..

black is one of my favourite colours,the others being red and white.And it's as pure as white.It's sophisticated and's profound and deep..and it's all absorbing.

rem taking a test on facebook on what colour you are.. i had turned out to be all the more reasons for loving it.

etymofreak said...

In al dat bucket load of philosophy I forgot d reasn I cant live without black T-shirts. U dn need to wash dem every oder a day :P