Friday, February 11, 2011

Musical Me

My balls cringe with shame when I realize how juvenile I was four years ago, when I along with three other morons belonged to the crappiest group in Orkut- I hate music. Thankfully I came to my senses soon and Orkut is history. But then, I sort of redeem myself when I think of the shit that Bollywood dishes out in the name of music, that had made me turn away from music in the first place. Fucking retards, the whole bunch of them and the public who thinks that lots of jiggling melons, preferably white( and we crib about the Australians being racists) accompanied by some plagiarized tunes is music.

Well it took a bit of Nirvana to shake me out of the notion that music was either about some Bolly-mindless-romantic crap or booty show featuring Ricky Martin, Enrique or Snoop Dogg. I discovered that guitar and drums could traverse the entire spectrum of human emotion. They could give an expression for all the angst and frustration building inside you. They could soothe frazzled nerves and provide a panacea for all the wounds you sustain. I could go on and on. But I don't think anything, I can ever write can do justice to music, my music. How do you describe life itself. Its better left to the strains of the guitar and throbbing of the drums to speak the tale.


Blasphemous Aesthete said...

True, a few strings can unleash an unchained melody so sweet that it would traverse down the timeline and still linger on the lips of generations to come. Such is the power of music.

Nice one.

Blasphemous Aesthete

The West Wind said...

I am glad.. u r over your 'I Hate Music' phase :D Me likes the musical U :D But u must like some club music.. how else would dance.. :P

paranoid*android said...

You can go on and thank me. :D