Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hey Me...Its Me Again!!

Disclaimer: I write this and hopefully the next thirty posts at the behest or should I say, mortal threats from two of my best friends. Whatever inference may be drawn out of this is to be kept strictly confidential. As for my own vacillating nature, I believe the following fifteen lines are the closest that I can get to permanency.

1. I am a quintessential Libran, as per astrology. I can argue both the faces of a Mobius strip and still find myself in an indecisive morass.

2. Although I am considered an irredeemable optimist, I see pitfalls everywhere. Its a combination of exceptional bad luck and faith in others that I often see myself in those pitfalls.

3. I like talking to myself more than anyone else. And I am generally surprised by the multitude of contradictory voices battling it out inside me.

4. My aim in life is to become literate. In the age of super specialization I prefer to be a Jack-of-all-Trades. I would like to know everything about everything.

5. I love the English language, but regret to see its modern connotations in India. An affected accent and improper grammar hold people in greater stead than proper usage of the language.

6. I believe half the people in the world are blind, and the rest cannot see the truth even if it danced naked in front of them, so wrapped are they in their own perceptions.

7. My anger is imperceptible and often goes unnoticed under the veil of cynicism.

8. For a person who is used to living in a dump, I can be fastidious till the point of ad nauseam.

9. I find the concept of machoism and the associated tenets pre-evolutionary and a flashback from the days of the cave men, where the man with the biggest club was the leader of the pack.

10. Chandler Bing, Andy Dufresne and Cal Trask are my most three favorite characters, respectively drawn from soaps, movies and books.

11. I have a remarkable memory, although I make blatant excuses for a bad memory.

12. I take a perverse pleasure in making myself misunderstood and playing to the part expected out of me.

13. The ideals of politeness and traditional chivalry are endearing to me, while the aura of affected coolness enveloping plain boorishness, equally distasteful.

14. I love smoking and in spite of all the statutory warnings, will continue smoking.

15. Finally, before signing off, Isha and Nick both of you, are a credit to girls all over. Pity that you form a tiny speck of your species. :P

As per popular requests, here I am uploading my latest nondescript self :P


The West Wind said...

I totally agree with #5. I hate it when people spoil the essence of the language with all the 'yos' and 'wassup' :P

#7 is new to me :D That was something I didnt know.

Chandler is my favourite too.. I love him. Who are the other two?

#14 -- Dislike

#15 -- Thank U *Applause*

etymofreak said...

Knew you would hate 14 :P
Andy Dufresne is the character played by Tim Robbins in The Shawshank Redemption and Cal Trask is a character from John Steinbeck's "East of Eden".

Shadow Girl said...

soooo love it...but guys Chandler and friends.. i wouldn't watch friends if someone put a gun to my head...they are so passe..
but so agree on the english point...and high five on the libra thingie..